attending school in Cap Haitian in the early sixties,
participated in a student protest against Duvalier’s
government that had launched a wave of terror in the
region. The local authorities reacted promptly and went
after the protesters. To avoid his immi-nent arrest
and possible transfer to Fort-Dimanche, Guy and several
other comrades had no choice but to look for refuge
in the Dominican Republic by crossing the border.
Concerned about the anxiety and worries of his parents
days later, Guy sent a messenger to let them know of
his where-abouts. Guy had no intention of staying in
exile for long. He joined the FRAH (Front Revolutio-nary
Haitian Army) that was plan-ning at the time a military
invasion to overthrow Duvalier. On June 28, 1964, Guy
was among the com-mando that had left the Dominican
Republic by sea, heading towards the southwest of Haiti.
Their objective was to disembark in that region well
known by the majority of the commando and to start a
guerilla coup that would free the country from the madness
of Duvalier who had just appointed himself president
for life.
a dangerous chase by the Dominican Cost guard that tried
to capture them, the group made it to Haiti, thanks
to the captain’s dexterity. Delayed
by this incident and pressed by time on arrival in the
Belle Anse area on June 30, the members of the commando
to step ashore as soon as possible and proceeded to unload
their supplies and ammunitions from the ship onto a canoe
the inclement weather conditions. One historical account
reports that, during this operation, Guy Luchessi and
a comrade nick-named “Chien Mechant” lost
their lives when the tidal waves overpowered them and
they fell into the sea with a good load of ammu-nition.
Guy’s guerilla cap was found ashore a few days later.
The testimony
provided by Guy’s sister, Mrs. Jeanne Lucchesi,
indicates that several survivors of the incident related
to her that Duvalier’s macoutes started to fire
heavily at the boat before it was even near the shore.
The captain of the ship decided to turn around and in
the process in rough sea with high waves Guy lost control
of the radio equipment that fell overboard. Because
he was in charge of communication, Guy
dove into the water to retrieve the materials. One of
his friend dove
after him to help him out, but the ship continued to
veer and both divers were caught by the propel-lers
and were decapitated. They were the only two casualties
of this incident.
Guy is remembered by his com-rades as commandant Luchessi
who gained much respect for his handicapped arm that
he did not consider an obstacle. Guy’s sister,
Jeanne, remembers that Guy dreamt of becoming a lawyer!
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26, 1963.
Juanita Clermont Marrat, daughter
of Colonel Clermont, was kidnapped from her house by
a death squad comprised of Macoute and military personnel.
She was dragged in the middle of the night to her father
residence and was forced, under the gun to scream for
help. Colonel Clermont ran out of the house to her rescue,
only to find himself trapped by those merciless thugs.
The colonel's house was invaded and searched. Mrs Juanita
Clermont, was dragged out the house and apprehended
by the squad along with her grandson, Jean Marc Lilavois,
who was spending the night with his grand-parents. Colonel
Clermont, his wife Juanita Jimenez, his daughter Juanita
Clermont Marrat, and his grand son Jean Marc Lilavois
were never to be seen again. |