even in death
A candidate in the 1957 presiden-tial elections, Clement
Jumelle soundly accused the Army of rigging the elections'
outcome in favor of Francois Duvalier. In protest, his
party boycotted the electoral process by withdrawing from
it. Fearing reprisal from the already repressive newly
elected government, he and his wife Paulette went into
hiding for almost two years. In April 1959, suffering
from kidney failure, his wife took him to the home of
the Cuban Ambassador where he died shortly thereafter
on April 11, at the age of 42.
The next day, on April 12, 1959, a crowd of supporters
was waiting at Sacré Coeur Church in Port-au-Prince
for the funeral procession to arrive. A military car halted
the cortege of family members and friends walking behind
the hearse in Petit-Four, a block away from the residence
of Dr. Gaston Jumelle, one of the Jumelle's brothers where
the procession originated from. |
confirmed that Officer John Beauvoir exited the car and
went into the hearse, sat next to the driver and they
disappeared with hearse, coffin and body. A military squad,
which included, Officers Daniel Beauvoir and Yves Volel
patrolled the area to ensure the success of the kidnapping.
It is said that, Duvalier ordered the operation because
Clement Jumelle was a brilliant intellectual, and he wanted
to use his brain in a voodoo ceremony. The body was taken
allegedly to him at the Haitian Palace and the hearse
and the coffin continued to Saint Marc the town where
Jumelle was born to make believe that the body was taken
there. But it is said also that Duvalier could not perform
his ritual because Clement Jumelle was autopsied right
after his death and the important organs were removed
in prevision of such scenario. |
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Dimanche soon to become a museum
January 31, 1991, the newly elected mayor of Port-au-Prince,
Evans Paul announced in a press conference that Fort Dimanche,
the symbol of repression and torture of the Duvalier regime,
will be trans-formed into a museum. It was at that infamous
dungeon that most political opponents to the regime were
incacerated. Mayor Evans Paul announced that all instruments
of torture will be put in display to better educate our
future generations of such horrors. |
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