GRANDISSANT SOUS DUVALIER"could be purchased by
contacting Dr. Gerard Ferrere at Gernancy@hotmail.com
or by writing to him at 20136, Ocean Key Drive, Boca
Raton Florida, 33498
thanks to Dr. Gérard Alphonse-Férère
for his contribution to fordi9.com. Himself
a victim of the Duvaliers, Dr. Férère
was incarcerated five times. First he was
thrown in Fort-Dimanche in 1958 for one
month. In July of the same year after the
Pasquet-Dominique- Perpignant invasion,
he spent another month of incarceration
at the Haitian Army Headquarters and the
Military Hospital. In 1962 he spent another
three days in |
In the same year he was arrested again because
a Macoute saw him leaving the Cuban Embassy.
He was kept at the Police Headquarters,
but Lieutenant Joseph Lamarre took it upon
himself to release him. On April 26, 1963
he was once again taken into custody in
the Army Headquarters, but this time he
was placed on death row. Francois Duvalier
had ordered his execution with several other
officers. Thanks to the intervention of
his first cousin General Marc Arty, Dr Ferrere's
life was spared. Upon his release he was
forced into exile in May 1963 with his wife
Nancy, née Turnier, compelled to
leave behind their two babies. Ever since,
Dr. Férère remained committed
to the struggle of bringing to an end the
regime of the Duvaliers, and he still continues
to devote his time to the compilation of
a list of the Duvaliers & victims who
lost their lives from 1957 through 1986.
browsing this site Dr. Férère
felt that his work would be a useful addition
to fordi9.com. His offer to make available
the results of years of research to the
site is indeed a remarkable gesture of fellowship.
Thanks to his generosity, the List of Victims
of fordi9.com will be greatly enriched.
on Dr. Gérard Fèrère
A prolific author, Dr. Férère most recent historical work entitled "Les ingérences de l'Armée d'Haïti dans les élections de 1957" is published in EN GRANDISSANT SOUS DUVALIER. This book, could be purchased by contacting Dr. Gerard Ferrere at Gernancy@hotmail.com or by writing to him at 20136, Ocean Key Drive, Boca Raton Florida, 33498